American Airlines Flight from Boston to Miami, Miami to Quito (8-9hrs). Arrived in Quito at 8PM.
Day 2:
Day trip to Otavalo where the craft markets are. It's about a 1-2 hr bus ride.
Day 3:
Explored the old town in Quito.
Day 4:
Took the TAME flight to the Galapagos (Baltra) with a short stop over in Guayaquil. Arrived at approximately 10am and boarded our boat, The Seaman. Visited Bartolome island.
Day 5:
Sailed to Genovesa Island. Land tour and snorkeling.
Day 6:
Sailed to the Plazas (near Santa Cruz). Panga ride and land tour.
Day 7:
Docked at Santa Cruz Island. Charles Darwin Research Station and The Highlands. Spent the night in Hotel Fernandina in Puerto Ayora (Santa Cruz).
Day 8:
Took the speed boat to Isabela from Santa Cruz. It's a 2 - 4 hr speed boat ride! Checked into La Casa de Marita in Puerto Villamil (Isabela)
Day 9:
Attempted to visit Los Tunelos. *@!@!
Day 10:
Returned to Santa Cruz. Caught the second TAME flight (12.30 PM) back to Quito.
Day 11:
Horseback riding around Volcan Cotopaxi.
Day 12:
Left on the 6.30am flight back to Miami/Boston. Home sweet home!
Map of the Galapagos. The airport is on Baltra.

wow.. sounds like a very well-planned and funfilled holiday. More photos please!
are you sure you want to see them? lol ...we'll be glad to oblige. DH must have taken at least 2000 photos..erh if not more.
and no ..actually we didn't plan it that well heheh. kinda last minute..but that's why it's fun right?
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